Rock and Arrow Show with Stephen McVey
Listeners can expect a enthusiastic presenter giving his input on his favourite rock tunes and a back to back track!
Q1: What is your Presenter name?
Cookie Monster
Q2: Describe your show in 5 words:
Rock, Roll, Cookies, good times.
Q3: Why did you get involved with CamGlen Radio?
It's a funny story! My barber Jamie Heaney got me into it, and I thought I would've just been doing the tech side of it and thats why I got involved.
Q4: What is your favourite show on CamGlen Radio (that isn’t your own)?
The Jamie Heaney Show
Q5: If you could interview anyone in the world who would it be and why?
Christian Bale or James Stewart, as he is my favourite cowboy and I love christian bales method acting stories
Q6: What is your favourite ice cream flavour?
Chocolate chip
Q7: What is your favourite thing about Cambuslang and Rutherglen?
it's not far away and I can get there easily!
Q8: Tell us three interesting facts about you:
I do archery, axe throwing, and knife throwing
I love cookies
I am an comic artist!